Devil Crusade
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How to
Devil Crusade
You've been chosen for a holy mission: ban all the devils from this world. You receive a cat, that you have to protect from all the little demons because it's the only one who can defeat the big devil in hell. You build a kind of a shield around the cat. Destroy all the devils that are coming at it as quickly as possible, before they've even got the chance to damage the shield. Use the blue, magic orbs that are circling around you. You can use them to call in the help of defense units. Each time you do so, this will cost you one magic orb. You can also use light pillars: they send beams of light at the demons. You can also use 'soul webs' to catch zombies. Last, you can call in the help of priests. Devils really hate this and you can quite easily distract them with the help of priests. Each time you've defeated devils with your sword, you earn magic orbs and experience points that you can use to perform upgrades. Do your best to protect your cat!
Controls: Hold the left mouse button while moving the cursor and the knight will follow you. Press Q to create a light pillar. Press W to throw out a 'soul web'. Press E to call in the help of a priest.
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