Dump Escape

How to Play?

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How to

Dump Escape Dump Escape This game is really fun. You're a hobo who starts seeing things that get stranger every minute. A mouse eating a cat, a cockroach eating your hamburger and then transforming into a walking hamburger, and so on. You decide to escape the dump you're living on, because there's something fishy there. In the Simple game mode you have to cover 250 km as quickly as you can. In the Survival game mode you have to try to get as far as possible. In this game mode, you can take on your enemy's form while crossing his path. Pick up red arrows for super speed, blue suitcases for health, small red up arrows for a super jump, shields for protections and coins to increase your score.

Controls: Use the arrow keys to move, the spacebar to fire and X to transform.

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