Nuts and Bolts

How to Play?

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How to

Nuts and Bolts Nuts and Bolts Welcome to the future! There are no construction workers in the building trade anymore, but instead there are robots that work faultlessly and efficiently. They have one disadvantage, though: they don't have fear of heights and due to this they can easily fall into the depths. That's why you let some older robots climb the building, to make things a bit safer and collect nuts and bolts. They can move from platform to platform via orange beams, that you can pick up and put back in a different place. The robot stores these beams into his battery, but there's only limited space. So you can't carry an unlimited number of beams with you: only carry beams with you in the lengths you'll need.

Controls: Click to move your robot to another platform and to pick up or place beams.

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